About Us
Serving People, Inspiring Righteousness, Imparting Truth
Our Mission
The SPIRIT School of Ministry is designed to develop and equip men and women who will walk in the fullness of the life of Jesus. These true disciples will operate in Christ-like character and service, demonstrating and ushering in the Kingdom of God wherever they go.
Our Church
We believe God works in the earth through His beloved vessel, the local Church. We believe that the Universal Church is practically expressed through the local church, comprised of believers who endeavor to manifest the life of Jesus Christ as they walk together in faith. The SPIRIT School of Ministry operates under the covering and authority of Word of Life Fellowship in Mi Wuk Village, California. SPIRIT School of Ministry exists to help facilitate the mandate of the church to mature the saints, to equip believers for the work of the ministry, and to build the church into the fullness of the image of Christ.
Our Core Values
1. We desire that all we do be rooted in authentic relationship, first with God and then with people. 1 Corinthians 13
2. We desire to equip men and women in The Truth, both in knowledge and experience. John 8:32
3. We desire to impact others through servant leadership. Matthew. 20:26
4. We desire to inspire others to follow Christ through the example of godly lifestyle. 1 Corinthians 11:1
5. We desire to walk closely with people as they personally work out their faith and discipleship. Galatians 6:2
Core Staff

Bob Wilk
As the Director of the School of Ministry, Pastor Bob desires to bring men and women into a deep, intimate, and mature relationship with Jesus. He is passionate about seeing people set free to walk in their true identity, and he considers it his personal reward when he sees people live in victory. Delivered as a young man from a destructive lifestyle, Pastor Bob lives each day knowing that there was a price paid for him that he can never repay, except to live fully for Christ, devoted to His cause. Pastor Bob operates in a strong prophetic anointing that carries into whatever he does, from teaching and preaching, to counseling, administration, and leadership, as well as coaching sports and youth in the community. A father to many, he is passionate about authentic relationship, and desires to the see the church truly understand how to be friends that are closer than brothers.
Bob Wilk
Pastor, Director, Instructor
Pastor Bob Wilk
As the Director of the School of Ministry, Pastor Bob desires to bring men and women into a deep, intimate, and mature relationship with Jesus. He is passionate about seeing people set free to walk in their true identity, and he considers it his personal reward when he sees people live in victory. Delivered as a young man from a destructive lifestyle, Pastor Bob lives each day knowing that there was a price paid for him that he can never repay, except to live fully for Christ, devoted to His cause. Pastor Bob operates in a strong prophetic anointing that carries into whatever he does, from teaching and preaching, to counseling, administration, and leadership, as well as coaching sports and youth in the community. A father to many, he is passionate about authentic relationship, and desires to the see the church truly understand how to be friends that are closer than brothers.

Liz Jones
Liz Jones
Pastor, Assistant Director, Instructor
Liz Jones

Pastor David Lien
Pastor David loves beautifully crafted stories, whether in a good movie or great book, but especially loves the greatest story of all, the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Having given his life to Christ as a child, he rededicated his life to Jesus as a young man, and now gives his life to helping others see and experience the glory of God. Operating in a strong evangelistic anointing, Pastor David is a preacher and teacher whose heart longs for people to come to the Lord, and to return to the Lord. He wants to see people live in a way where they are able to be their true selves, and to be free from the comparison and competition that rob so many people of joy and fulfillment. His life has been transformed completely by the love of God, and he desires to display that transforming power to give others faith for their own transformation.
David Lien
Pastor, Instructor
Pastor David Lien
Pastor David loves beautifully crafted stories, whether in a good movie or great book, but especially loves the greatest story of all, the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Having given his life to Christ as a child, he rededicated his life to Jesus as a young man, and now gives his life to helping others see and experience the glory of God. Operating in a strong evangelistic anointing, Pastor David is a preacher and teacher whose heart longs for people to come to the Lord, and to return to the Lord. He wants to see people live in a way where they are able to be their true selves, and to be free from the comparison and competition that rob so many people of joy and fulfillment. His life has been transformed completely by the love of God, and he desires to display that transforming power to give others faith for their own transformation.

Athena Low
Athena approaches life as a continual learner. Having come to know the Lord at a young age, she realizes that you can never reach the end of God, and this propels her not only to constantly be adding to her own knowledge and experiences, but she has a passion for seeing other people encounter God in new ways and revelations. She and her husband, Levi, share a great and sincere love for people, and their joyful demeanor draws in people from all walks of life. She has a great gifting for excellence in administration, and genuinely uses her skills and knowledge to bring strength to the Body of Christ, and to SPIRIT School of Ministry.
Athena Low
Athena Low
Athena approaches life as a continual learner. Having come to know the Lord at a young age, she realizes that you can never reach the end of God, and this propels her not only to constantly be adding to her own knowledge and experiences, but she has a passion for seeing other people encounter God in new ways and revelations. She and her husband, Levi, share a great and sincere love for people, and their joyful demeanor draws in people from all walks of life. She has a great gifting for excellence in administration, and genuinely uses her skills and knowledge to bring strength to the Body of Christ, and to SPIRIT School of Ministry.

Jeribai Tascoe
Jeribai began his relationship with Jesus Christ at the early age of 4, and throughout his life has continued his pursuit of knowing God in depth and reality. Throughout the years, God has developed in him a love for serving people, and whether he’s doing that through drumming, leading worship, prophetic ministry, using technical skills, or anything else he has the opportunity to do, Jeribai desires for God to be glorified through his life. He passionately desires to see men and women move beyond fear and confusion into true identity, manifesting the unique God-given greatness within. Along with serving God and others, some of his greatest joys are in being a husband and father, and in enjoying the moments of wonder and discovery with his wife and each of his children.
Jeribai Tascoe
IT, Instructor
Jeribai Tascoe
Jeribai began his relationship with Jesus Christ at the early age of 4, and throughout his life has continued his pursuit of knowing God in depth and reality. Throughout the years, God has developed in him a love for serving people, and whether he’s doing that through drumming, leading worship, prophetic ministry, using technical skills, or anything else he has the opportunity to do, Jeribai desires for God to be glorified through his life. He passionately desires to see men and women move beyond fear and confusion into true identity, manifesting the unique God-given greatness within. Along with serving God and others, some of his greatest joys are in being a husband and father, and in enjoying the moments of wonder and discovery with his wife and each of his children.

Rose Camara
Rose Camara
Our Instructors

Joshua Milbourn
Josh grew up in a Christian household, but made his personal decision to walk with the Lord at the age of 14. He recognizes that commitment to God is not a one-time decision, but a daily choice to be made as a response to the faithfulness and unfailing love of a Savior. Passionate about the generations, Josh and his wife Amber serve children and youth both in the church and the community, as well as leading other key ministries for all ages in the church. Josh recognizes Christians are challenged with making time for authentic relationship with God, and making time for authentic relationship with each other, and he makes it a priority to spend time with his wife and family, and to do whatever God asks him to do to help people grow in their relationships.
Joshua Milbourn
Joshua Milbourn
Josh grew up in a Christian household, but made his personal decision to walk with the Lord at the age of 14. He recognizes that commitment to God is not a one-time decision, but a daily choice to be made as a response to the faithfulness and unfailing love of a Savior. Passionate about the generations, Josh and his wife Amber serve children and youth both in the church and the community, as well as leading other key ministries for all ages in the church. Josh recognizes Christians are challenged with making time for authentic relationship with God, and making time for authentic relationship with each other, and he makes it a priority to spend time with his wife and family, and to do whatever God asks him to do to help people grow in their relationships.

Juli Healy
Juli carries a deep love for the truth of the Word of God, and she always has a scripture for any situation! She delights in the Lord, bringing a joyful presentation of Biblical topics, teaching with clarity and purpose. She has an essential anointing to join together marketplace ministry and in-church ministry training, living out her beliefs that all that we do is intended to be an extension of the Kingdom of God. She is a strategic thinker, bringing a much-needed perspective to the church, and to SSOM students.
Juli Healy
Juli healy
Juli carries a deep love for the truth of the Word of God, and she always has a scripture for any situation! She delights in the Lord, bringing a joyful presentation of Biblical topics, teaching with clarity and purpose. She has an essential anointing to join together marketplace ministry and in-church ministry training, living out her beliefs that all that we do is intended to be an extension of the Kingdom of God. She is a strategic thinker, bringing a much-needed perspective to the church, and to SSOM students.

Peniel Whitmer
Peniel Whitmer
What Our Students Say

I truly love all class on Submission to the Lord it is so important. When you feel or think you can’t do something… putting that aside and doing it for the Lord because of respect and love for the Lord that really registered in my heart thank you it was wonderful.

Virginia Ziblay
Mi Wuk Village, CA

Spirit led instruction… It is awesome that so many are engaged and given the opportunity to flourish in their gifts. The protocols are effective in that there is freedom and order. Oh, and I love you guys!

Greg Davies
Lake Tahoe, CA