Serving People, Inspiring Righteousness, Imparting Truth

The Holy Spirit Revealed

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In this session, Jeribai shares how you are uniquely designed to be a home for God the Holy Spirit to dwell in. Hear how Jesus himself revealed the Holy Spirit to his disciples and to each and everyone of his believers today.

Session 1 Outline: The Holy Spirit Revealed

You were handcrafted by God to be a DWELLING place for the Holy Spirit!

1 Corinthians 3:16 – Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells within you.

1 Corinthians 6:19 – [AMP] – Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is within you, whom you have [received as a gift] from God, and that you are not your own.

Think about that… GOD created you, He gave you a unique personality with talents and abilities and then through the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ… God gave you a NEW SPIRIT and with that New Spirit He’s given you the incredible ability to now be a dwelling place, a home, a personal residence for God Almighty!!

See, God always intended to be WITH you and the closest and deepest way to be with you is to be IN you!

Jesus speaks directly to us about this and reveals to us the plan of God in…

John 14:15-17

There again out of the mouth our risen savior – Jesus speaks to us about a promise from God the Father…

In Luke 24:49 – Jesus speaks again and says:

And Lastly in John 16:5-7 Jesus speaks to us yet again as He describes His departure from earth with His disciples… He says…

Jesus continually reveals the Holy Spirit, His names, His purpose and His ministry. One of the most incredible details Jesus reveals about the Holy Spirit is that HE IS A PERSON!

In our next session we’re going to dive into the Personality and Purpose of the Holy Spirit and how God the Holy Spirit empowers you to be all of who God has made you to be and to do all of what God has called you to do!

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