Serving People, Inspiring Righteousness, Imparting Truth
Understanding that the Holy Spirit is a person is a life changing revelation for your relationship with God. Jeribai takes you deeper into the person of the Holy Spirit and what He does for us as we let Him in!
Session 2 Outline: The Person of the Holy Spirit
In this session we’re going to discover who the Holy Spirit is. This is my favorite part in learning about the Holy Spirit is that we have the privilege of KNOWING the Holy Spirit personally.
God cares about every aspect of your life… he cares about your innermost thoughts, your emotions, your dreams and aspirations… all of it… HE IS A PERSONAL GOD… Acts 15:8 shows us that God intimately KNOWS our hearts and through communion with the Holy Spirit we can be led into all truth, our faith will be built up, we will be fruitful and strengthened and we do this through a personal relationship directly with God the Holy Spirit!
All throughout the Bible the Holy Spirit is spoken of in personal terms, not as an impersonal force. He is not just a power, or an illumination or a sensation… He is a PERSON, a Divine Person, a coequal with God the Father and God the Son and as such He too is worthy to receive our adoration, our faith, our love, and our entire surrender to His leading. Looking at John 14:16 again…
16 “And I will ask the Father, and He (the Father) will give you ANOTHER HELPER, to be with you forever,”
These words “another helper” in greek are “allos paraklētos”…
allos means – another, or another of the same sort
paraklētos means – called to one’s side, an advocate, comforter
So… the Holy Spirit is not only a person, He’s another person who is exactly like Jesus Christ!
He is Holy, Wise, Tender and Mighty…
[1] He Thinks – He has intellect and will, He discerns and decides… 1 Corinthians 12:11
[2] He Speaks – He speaks and declares to us the words of God, He teaches and guides us… John 16:13, Acts 13:2
[3] He Feels – He can be grieved, He was sinned against, lied to and resisted. Ephesians 4:30, Acts 5:3
[4] He Works – He works miracles, He empowers and transforms us… He works to form the very life of Jesus Christ in us. Romans 15:19, 1 Corinthians 2
His Personality and Purpose
Let’s take a moment get to KNOW him better… He has many names and many functions, but for today I’d like to highlight these:
He is:
The Spirit of God
The Spirit of Christ
The Eternal Spirit
The Lord
The Spirit of Truth – the one who reveals
The Spirit of Life – he initiates regeneration at the moment of our salvation,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding
The Spirit of counsel and might
The Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord
The Promise – The Seal / The Deposit – the guarantee of our inheritance – which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
The Comforter / Counselor / Helper – the Paraclete – called to one’s side, advocate, strengthener
The Convictor of Sin
The Author – he inspired men to write the Bible
The Teacher – he teaches, reminds us and imparts to us the Word of God
The Guide – He leads us into all truth and imparts to us discernment
The Intercessor – He prays for us with groaning too deep for words
The Witness – he verifies and testifies that we are the children of God.
All of HIS powerful and divine functions are made alive and are actively working in you as you commune with the Holy Spirit! What an incredible and powerful GIFT God had given to those that receive him, the ability to know the Holy Spirit personally… and not just to be with us, but to live IN US!!
In our next session we’re going to discover the commandment of Jesus to RECEIVE the Holy Spirit and how He, the Holy Spirit is essential to the growth and function of our lives, as sons and daughters of God.