Did you know that you are designed to hear from God, and to be His voice? He desires to communicate with you, and also through you. The Voice of God prophetic trainings are designed to bring you into the fullness of this relationship with Him, and to equip you to be able to partner with Him in prophetic realms.
About Voice of God
From those just beginning in their relationship with Christ to those who have decades of seasoned experience, we offer different courses that consist of deep Biblical teaching, interactive practical training, and hands-on experience that will encourage you, challenge you, and prepare you to operate in confidence and truth.
COST: $29
CATEGORY: Prophetic
COST: $29
COURSE LENGTH: 35 Video Lessons (10 Hours)
CATEGORY: Prophetic
Level 1 Training
Much more than an introduction to prophecy, this training lays a solid Biblical foundation of prophetic understanding, and will provide practical truths of operation that are essential to anyone who moves in the prophetic realm. You will be activated to confidently hear the voice of God and to receive and give prophetic words through hands-on training and interactive sessions. We will explore the scriptural importance of prophecy and the impact that the prophetic ministry has on the church and world today.
Course Outline
- Introduction to Prophecy
- Session 1
Communication - Session 2
Positioned for Success - Session 3
Realms of the Prophetic - Session 4
A Study in 1 Corinthians 14 - Session 5
Expressions of the Prophetic - Session 6
Authority and the Prophetic - Session 7
Biblical Prophets and You
Meet Your Instructor

Bob Wilk
Pastor, Director of SPIRIT School of Ministry
As the Director of the School of Ministry, Pastor Bob desires to bring men and women into a deep, intimate, and mature relationship with Jesus. He is passionate about seeing people set free to walk in their true identity, and he considers it his personal reward when he sees people live in victory. Delivered as a young man from a destructive lifestyle, Pastor Bob lives each day knowing that there was a price paid for him that he can never repay, except to live fully for Christ, devoted to His cause. Pastor Bob operates in a strong prophetic anointing that carries into whatever he does, from teaching and preaching, to counseling, administration, and leadership, as well as coaching sports and youth in the community. A father to many, he is passionate about authentic relationship, and desires to the see the church truly understand how to be friends that are closer than brothers.