Our God is capable and able to help you walk in freedom and liberty. Regardless of where you’re at in your life, He can touch your life and change everything. Your personal hell, doesn’t have to be your permanent cell. Start this FREE course today and discover the freedom and liberty that God will bring into your life.
Deliverance Videos
Deliverance Audio
- Introduction And Personal Testimony Deliverance 17:23
- Identity Authority And Power Session 1 45:44
- Satans Work On Gods Children Session 2 22:33
- The Battle Won Session 3 13:33
- Getting Free Session 4 35:26
- Staying Free Session 5 40:16
- The Reason You Where Delivered Session 6 13:00

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Thank you! This was great….
great, not ra ra hype, solid Biblical instruction of living out my life in Jesus Christ
From the beginning of the study all the way to the end, the heart of God draws us to repentance with antithetic love, making being delivered something to long for rather than fear. This study leads us to desire deliverance, teaches how simple it is, and provides the truth to help us stay free so we can fully connect with God and with those he has established for us to serve.